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Find your Barbie toys
Name Line Series Sub Line Year Mfr Num Upc Buy List
Carol Ferris Green Lantern Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Comic Book Barbie Dolls 2011 27084931303 $28.00
Carolina Herrera Blonde Bride Barbie Doll Bridal / Wedding Barbie 2005 27084078114 $36.00
Carolina Herrera Brunette Bride Barbie Bridal / Wedding Barbie 2005 27084341034 $58.00
Cast Party Hollywood Movie Star Collection 2001 50825 74299508257 $12.00
Catwoman Barbie Pop Culture Barbie Dolls 2004 27084030075 $19.00
Catwoman Barbie Celebrity Barbie Dolls Comic Book Barbie Dolls 2004 27084042689 $9.00
Catwoman Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie by Bill Greening 2013 746775184988 $34.00
Catwoman Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Comic Book Barbie Dolls 2013 746775184988 $34.00
Celebrate Disco NIKKI Barbie AA African American Barbie Diva Barbie Dolls 2008 27084654394 $20.00
Cerise Hood Ever After High Doll Ever After High Dolls 2014 746775266516 $13.00
Charlies Angels Kelly Giftset Kelly and Tommy Dolls Movie Star Barbie Dolls 2010 27084690576 $17.00
Charmaine Barbie AA African American Barbie Byron Lars Barbie Byron Lars 2010 27084822618 $100.00
Chataine Barbie Barbie Fashion Model Collection Silkstone Barbie Dolls Robert Best 2003 $300.00
Check Please Francie Doll Giftset Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Robert Best Robert Best 2011 27084934014 $50.00
Chef Barbie 2001 $3.00
Cher 74299290497 $45.00
CHER Half Breed Bob Mackie Barbie Doll Celebrity Barbie Dolls Cher Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2007 27084487947 $47.00
CHER Ringmaster Bob Mackie Barbie Doll Celebrity Barbie Dolls Cher Barbie Dolls Bob Mackie 2007 27084487930 $500.00
CHER Turn Back Time Bob Mackie Barbie Doll 27084442380 $27.00
Chicago Cubs Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Love sports 23883 74299238833 $13.00
Chicago Cubs Barbie Doll (African American) Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Love sports 24473 74299244735 $26.00
Chinese Barbie Doll Dolls of the World Barbie Barbie DOTW Countries 1994 11180 74299111808 $10.00
Chinese Empress Barbie Designer Barbie Dolls Great Eras Barbie Dolls 1997 16708 74299167089 $10.00
Chinoiserie Red Midnight Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Silkstone Barbie Dolls Robert Best 2004 27084130782 $75.00
Chinoiserie Red Moon Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Silkstone Barbie Dolls Robert Best 2004 27084029888 $35.00
Chinoiserie Red Sunset Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Silkstone Barbie Dolls Robert Best 2004 27084130799 $36.00
Chocolate Obsession Barbie Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Obsession Barbie Dolls 2005 27084190649 $20.00
Christabelle Barbie Doll Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Silkstone Barbie Dolls Robert Best 2007 27084443059 $45.00
Christian Dior 50th Designer 1997 16013 74299160134 $27.00
Christian Dior Barbie Doll 74299131684 $22.00
Christian Louboutin Anemone Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin 2010 27084822076 $75.00
Christian Louboutin Barbie Designer Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin 2009 27084690736 $80.00
Christian Louboutin Barbie Shoe Collection Designer Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin 2010 27084880748 $65.00
Christian Louboutin Safari Dolly Forever Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin Barbie Dolls Christian Louboutin 2010 27084822069 $100.00
Christina Aguilera Doll 667885960005 667885960005 $5.00
Christmas Carol Barbie & Kelly Giftset Barbie & Ken Gift Sets Christmas Barbie Dolls 2008 27084695748 $8.00
Christmas Morning Barbie Holiday Barbie Dolls 2007 27084451184 $5.00
Christmas Morning Barbie Holiday Barbie Dolls 2005 27084187830 $6.00
Cinderella Barbie Childrens Barbie Dolls Barbie Dolls for Children 1997 16900 74299169007 $15.00
Cinnabar Sensation Barbie AA African American Barbie Byron Lars Barbie Byron Lars 1998 19848 74299198489 $13.00
Cinnabar Sensation Blonde Barbie Designer Barbie Dolls Byron Lars Barbie Byron Lars 1999 23420 74299234200 $10.00
Circus Barbie Doll Fantasy Collection Barbie Barbie designed by Bob Mackie 2010 27084822625 $200.00
Circus Star Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls 1995 13257 74299132575 $6.00
City Shopper Macys Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls 1996 16289 74299162893 $3.00
City Smart Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Silkstone Barbie Dolls Robert Best 2003 $500.00
City Sophisticate Service Merchandise Exclusives 1994 12005 74299120053 $5.00
City Style Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Classique Barbie Dolls 1993 10149 74299101496 $7.00
Civil War Nurse Barbie Doll American Stories Barbie Career Barbie Dolls 1996 14612 74299146121 $14.00
Classic Grace Porcelain Prima Ballerina Collection 2002 53981 74299539817 $116.00
Cleopatra Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Barbie designed by Bob Mackie Linda Kyaw 2010 27084822700 $192.00