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Find your Barbie toys
Name Line Series Sub Line Year Mfr Num Upc Buy List
Club Couture Collector Club 2000 26068 74299096082 $7.00
Coach Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Barbie by Linda Kyaw Linda Kyaw 2013 433599338283 $64.00
Coca-Cola Barbie Cheerleader Coca-Cola Collection 2001 28376 74299283765 $14.00
Coca-Cola Barbie Majorette Coca-Cola Collection 2002 53974 74299539749 $22.00
Coca-Cola Barbie Sweetheart Coca-Cola Collection 2000 24637 74299246371 $11.00
Coca Cola Carhop Waitress Blonde Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Coca Cola Barbie Dolls 1999 22831 74299228315 $13.00
Coca Cola Hospitality Santa Doll Holiday Barbie Dolls Coca Cola Barbie Dolls 1999 23288 74299232886 $11.00
COCA-COLA Ken Coca-Cola Collection 2000 25678 74299256783 $65.00
Coca-Cola Soda Barbie Fountain Set Coca-Cola Collection 2000 26980 74299269806 $35.00
Coca Cola Waitress Brunette Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Coca Cola Barbie Dolls 1999 23934 $100.00
COCO Barbie AA African American Barbie Byron Lars Barbie Byron Lars 2007 27084442762 $160.00
Colonial Barbie Doll American Stories Barbie Barbie Dolls for Children 1995 12578 74299125782 $11.00
Color Magic Barbie Doll Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Collectors Request Vintage Barbie 2004 27084029949 $20.00
Commuter Set Barbie Doll Vintage Reproduction Barbie 1999 21510 74299215100 $21.00
Continental Holiday Giftset Fashion Model Collection 2002 55497 74299554971 $33.00
Cool Collecting Barbie Doll 2000 25525 74299255250 $14.00
Corvette Barbie Doll - Pink Barbie Sports Collection Barbie designed by Linda Kyaw Linda Kyaw 2009 27084746716 $17.00
Corvette Barbie Doll - Red Barbie Sports Collection Barbie designed by Linda Kyaw Linda Kyaw 2009 27084746709 $13.00
Corvette Barbie Doll - Yellow Barbie Sports Collection Barbie designed by Linda Kyaw Linda Kyaw 2009 27084675337 $13.00
Costume Ball Blonde Ken Doll Ken Doll Collection 1989 7154 74299071546 $10.00
Countess Dracula Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Barbie designed by Bob Mackie Ann Driskill 2011 $200.00
Countess of Rubies Royal Jewels Collection 2001 26927 74299269271 $12.00
Country Bound Barbie 2002 55499 74299554995 $9.00
Country Duet Barbie and Ken Giftset Barbie & Ken Gift Sets Country Music Star Barbie 1999 23498 74299234989 $23.00
Country Grand Ole Opry Rising Star Barbie Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Country Music Star Barbie 1998 17864 74299178641 $3.00
Country Rose Barbie Celebrity Barbie Dolls Country Music Star Barbie 1997 17782 74299177828 $8.00
Couture Angel Barbie Doll Fantasy Collection Barbie Angel Barbie Dolls Linda Kyaw 2011 27084933567 $15.00
Couture Angel Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Magic & Mystery Barbie Dolls Ann Driskill 2010 27084880816 $26.00
Couture Confection Bride Barbie Doll Bridal / Wedding Barbie Barbie designed by Bob Mackie Bob Mackie 2006 $60.00
Cowardly Lion Ken Childrens Barbie Dolls Wizard of OZ Barbie Dolls 1997 16573 433599030736 $6.00
Cowardly Lion Ken Doll Childrens Barbie Dolls Wizard of OZ Barbie Dolls 2007 27084449211 $12.00
Crystal Jubilee Barbie Doll Anniversary Barbie Dolls Royal Jewels Barbie Dolls 1999 21923 74299219238 $24.00
Crystal Rhapsody Barbie Doll Porcelain Barbie Dolls 1993 10201 $6.00
Crystal Rhapsody Barbie Doll Porcelain Barbie Dolls 1992 1553 74299015533 $10.00
Cyndi Lauper Barbie Celebrity Barbie Dolls Ladies of the 80s Barbie Dolls 2010 852277070084 $40.00
Cynthia Bailey - Prettie Girls! One World Doll Project Prettie Girls Prettie Girls - Signature Dolls Stacey McBride-Irby 2014 738759870253 $5.00
Cynthia Rowley Barbie Celebrity Barbie Dolls 2005 27084185348 $13.00
Czechoslovakian Barbie Doll Dolls of the World Barbie Barbie DOTW Countries 1991 7330 74299073304 $10.00
Dahlia Barbie Doll Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Silkstone Barbie Dolls Robert Best 2006 $325.00
Dale Earnhardt, Jr. NASCAR Barbie Doll Barbie Sports Collection Nascar Barbie Dolls 2007 27084443097 $10.00
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader African American Barbie Doll Barbie Sports Collection 2008 27084569605 $34.00
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Caucasian Barbie Doll Barbie Sports Collection 2008 27084569599 $30.00
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Barbie Doll Pink Label Collection Pop Culture Dolls 2007 27084569612 $20.00
Dance Til Dawn Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Great Fashions Barbie Dolls 1998 19631 74299196317 $20.00
Dancing Fire Essence of Nature 2000 26327 74299263279 $21.00
Dancing with the Stars Paso Doble Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Dancing with the Stars Barbie Dolls Linda Kyaw 2011 46775046751 $24.00
Dancing with the Stars Samba Barbie Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Dancing with the Stars Barbie Dolls Linda Kyaw 2011 746775046736 $9.00
Dancing with the Stars TRIO Barbie Doll Set Doll Genie Special Deals Linda Kyaw 2011 $15.00
Dancing with the Stars WALTZ Barbie Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Dancing with the Stars Barbie Dolls Linda Kyaw 2011 746775046743 $18.00
Daria Celebutante Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls 2004 27084109924 $21.00