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Find your Barbie toys
Name Line Series Sub Line Year Mfr Num Upc Buy List
Commuter Set Barbie Doll Vintage Reproduction Barbie 1999 21510 74299215100 $21.00
Steppin Out 1930s Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Great Fashions Barbie Dolls 1999 21531 74299215315 $14.00
Austrian Barbie Doll Dolls of the World Barbie Barbie DOTW Countries 1999 21553 74299215537 $16.00
Barbie Had a Little Lamb Doll Childrens Barbie Dolls Barbie Dolls for Children 1999 21740 74299217401 $4.00
Far Out Barbie Doll Vintage Reproduction Barbie 1999 21911 74299219115 $16.00
Elvis The Army Years Ken Doll Celebrity Barbie Dolls Elvis Presley Dolls 1999 21912 27084021912 $16.00
Heartstring Angel Barbie AA African American Barbie Angel Barbie Dolls 1999 21915 74299219153 $17.00
Crystal Jubilee Barbie Doll Anniversary Barbie Dolls Royal Jewels Barbie Dolls 1999 21923 74299219238 $24.00
Fantasy Goddess of Africa Bob Mackie 2005 22044 74299220449 $74.00
Fantasy Goddess of Africa Barbie Fantasy Collection Barbie Barbie by Bob Mackie Bob Mackie 1999 22044 74299220449 $74.00
1940s Fabulous Forties Great Fashions of the 20th Century 2000 22162 74299221620 $18.00
Avon Representative Caucasian Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Avon Exclusive Barbie Dolls 1999 22202 74299222023 $8.00
Avon Representative Barbie AA African American Barbie Avon Exclusive Barbie Dolls 1999 22203 74299222030 $12.00
Avon Representative Hispanic Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Avon Exclusive Barbie Dolls 1999 22204 $4.00
Todd Oldham Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls 1999 22205 74299222054 $13.00
Todd Oldham Designer Barbie Dolls 2000 22205 74299222054 $14.00
40th Anniversary Barbie AA African American Barbie Special Occasion Barbie 1999 22236 74299223365 $10.00
Harley Davidson #1 Ken Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Harley Davidson Barbie Dolls 1999 22255 74299222559 $12.00
Harley Davidson #3 Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Harley Davidson Barbie Dolls 1999 22256 74299222566 $11.00
Autumn in London Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls City Seasons Barbie Dolls 1999 22257 74299222573 $9.00
Winter in Montreal Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls City Seasons Barbie Dolls 1999 22258 74299222580 $10.00
Executive Lunch Fashion Official Barbie Collector Club Exclusives 1999 22306 45635275539 $4.00
Floral Garden Rose Garden of Flowers Series 1999 22337 74299223372 $8.00
Rose Barbie Doll A Garden of Flowers Collection 1999 22337 74299223372 $8.00
Italian Barbie Doll 2nd Edition Dolls of the World Barbie Barbie DOTW Countries 1993 2256 74299022562 $10.00
Coca Cola Carhop Waitress Blonde Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Coca Cola Barbie Dolls 1999 22831 74299228315 $13.00
MGM Golden Hollywood Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls 1999 22832 74299228322 $13.00
Trend Forecaster Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls 1999 22833 22833 $6.00
Whispering Wind Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Essence of Nature Barbie 1999 22834 74299228346 $9.00
Embassy Waltz Barbie Doll Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Special Occasion Barbie 1999 22836 74299228360 $11.00
Walt Disney World 2000 Barbie Walt Disney World Exclusive 2005 22939 74299229398 $4.00
Barbie Loves Frankie Sinatra Barbie and Ken Giftset Barbie & Ken Gift Sets Frank Sinatra Barbie Dolls 1999 22953 74299229534 $10.00
Nascar Official #94 Barbie Doll Barbie Sports Collection Nascar Barbie Dolls 1999 22954 74299229541 $7.00
The Flamingo Barbie Doll Fantasy Collection Barbie Birds of Beauty Barbie Dolls 1999 22957 74299229572 $25.00
Erica Kane Wedding Barbie Doll Celebrity Barbie Dolls Movie Star Barbie Dolls 1999 23004 74299230042 $6.00
Vera Wang #2 (Awards Night) Designer Barbie Dolls 2000 23027 74299230271 $20.00
Vera Wang Designer Salute Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Vera Wang Barbie Dolls 1999 23027 74299230271 $20.00
Bumble Bee Gala 40th Anniversary Barbie Doll Anniversary Barbie Dolls Special Occasion Barbie 1999 23041 $4.00
Western Plains Barbie Lifestyles of the West Collection 2000 23205 74299232053 $10.00
Papillion Barbie Doll Fantasy Collection Barbie Barbie by Bob Mackie Bob Mackie 1999 23276 74299232763 $26.00
Coca Cola Hospitality Santa Doll Holiday Barbie Dolls Coca Cola Barbie Dolls 1999 23288 74299232886 $11.00
Cinnabar Sensation Blonde Barbie Designer Barbie Dolls Byron Lars Barbie Byron Lars 1999 23420 74299234200 $10.00
The Tango Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls Barbie by Bob Mackie Bob Mackie 1999 23451 74299234514 $31.00
Halloween Fun Barbie and Kelly Set Kelly and Tommy Dolls Halloween Barbie Dolls 1998 23460 74299234606 $6.00
Plum Royale Barbie AA African American Barbie Byron Lars Barbie Byron Lars 1999 23478 74299234781 $40.00
Nolan Miller Evening Illusion Barbie Doll Designer Barbie Dolls 1999 23495 74299234958 $23.00
Country Duet Barbie and Ken Giftset Barbie & Ken Gift Sets Country Music Star Barbie 1999 23498 74299234989 $23.00
Vintage Spring In Tokyo City Seasons 1999 23499 $10.00
Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra 2000 23595 74299235955 $46.00
Snow Sensation Barbie AA African American Barbie Special Occasion Barbie 1999 23801 74299238017 $13.00