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Find your Barbie toys
Name Line Series Sub Line Year Mfr Num Upc Buy List
Barbie Basic 1 Black Dress #11 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863703 $13.00
Barbie Basic Swimsuit Model#04 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2012 746775046842 $25.00
Barbie The LOOK Fall City Shopper Brunette Pop Culture Barbie Dolls The LOOK Barbie Bill Greening 2013 746775177560 $27.00
Barbie Basics RED Model #1 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2011 27084945126 $7.00
Barbie Basics RED Model #8 African American Barbie Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2011 27084945140 $28.00
Barbie The LOOK Party Perfect Fashion Set Barbie Clothing, Ken Clothing The LOOK Barbie Bill Greening 2013 746775177607 $6.00
Barbie and Midge 50th Anniversary Gift Set Vintage Reproduction Barbie Bill Greening 2013 746775170363 $26.00
Barbie Basics RED Model #1 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2011 760236815419 $24.00
Queen of the Constellations Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Magic & Mystery Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2013 746775170394 $32.00
Barbie Basic Red Model#3 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2011 746775016470 $27.00
Hunger Games Katniss Catching Fire Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Hunger Games Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2013 746775170264 $19.00
Barbie and Midge Double Doll Case Vintage Reproduction Barbie Bill Greening 2013 $6.00
Barbie Basic 1 Black Dress #10 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863819 $18.00
Barbie Basic 1 Model #1 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863697 $14.00
Pop Life Christie Doll AA African American Barbie Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2009 27084690729 $31.00
Haunted Beauty GHOST Barbie Fantasy Collection Barbie Halloween Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2012 746775076696 $120.00
Becky Most Mod Party Giftset Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2009 27084675610 $29.00
Barbie Basic 1 Model #2 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863741 $12.00
Pan Am Stewardess Barbie Giftset Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2010 27084821932 $20.00
Friday Night Dream Date Barbie and Ken Giftset Barbie & Ken Gift Sets Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2006 27084396904 $34.00
Barbie The LOOK Fall City Shopper Blonde Pop Culture Barbie Dolls The LOOK Barbie Bill Greening 2013 746775170332 $23.00
Barbie Basic 1 Black Dress #5 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863796 $20.00
Halloween Haunt Barbie Barbie Club Exclusive Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2011 27084945614 $140.00
TOKIDOKI Barbie Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2011 27084933970 $120.00
The Barbie Look City Shopper AA Designer Barbie Dolls The LOOK Barbie Bill Greening 2012 746775170325 $22.00
CHER Half Breed Bob Mackie Barbie Doll Celebrity Barbie Dolls Cher Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2007 27084487947 $47.00
2012 Holiday Barbie African American African American Barbie Christmas Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2012 746775047979 $12.00
The Blonds GOLD Barbie Designer Barbie Dolls Barbie by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2013 746775170387 $59.00
Barbie The LOOK Winter Weekend Fashion Set Barbie Clothing, Ken Clothing The LOOK Barbie Bill Greening 2013 746775177591 $18.00
Campus Spirit Barbie & Ken Giftset Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2008 27084547627 $17.00
50th Anniversary Skipper Doll Skipper Dolls, Barbie Sister Barbie by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2014 746775290801 $21.00
The LOOK Tea Party Barbie Fashion Pack Barbie Clothing, Ken Clothing The LOOK Barbie Bill Greening 2012 746775177508 $13.00
Career Girl Collectors Request Barbie Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Career Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2006 27084293494 $23.00
Student Teacher Barbie Giftset Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2010 27084821918 $20.00
2012 Holiday Barbie Blonde Holiday Barbie Dolls Christmas Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2012 746775047962 $18.00
Barbie Basics 2.0 Model #8 Barbie Collector Basics Model Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2011 27084932010 $12.00
Tarina Tarantino Barbie Doll Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2008 27084547153 $62.00
Empress of the Aliens Barbie Fantasy Collection Barbie Magic & Mystery Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2012 746775048457 $62.00
Barbie Basic 1 Black Dress #8 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863826 $16.00
Hunger Games Katniss Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2012 746775046767 $26.00
Barbie Basic Swimsuit Model#7 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2012 746775046859 $25.00
Barbie Basic 1 Black Dress #4 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863833 $25.00
Barbie Basics RED Model #2 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2011 746775016487 $60.00
Astronaut Barbie Giftset Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Career Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2010 27084821949 $19.00
Registered Nurse Barbie Giftset Vintage Reproduction Barbie Dolls Career Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2010 27084821925 $39.00
Barbie Basic 1 Black Dress #7 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863710 $31.00
Haunted Beauty VAMPIRE Barbie Fantasy Collection Barbie Magic & Mystery Barbie Dolls Bill Greening 2013 746775170554 $190.00
Barbie Basic 1 Black Dress #6 Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2010 27084863734 $9.00
Varsity Dance KEN Doll Giftset Ken Doll Collection Barbie designed by Bill Greening Bill Greening 2011 27084931426 $13.00
Barbie Basics 2.5 Model #8 Barbie Collector Basics Model Barbie Basics Bill Greening 2011 27084933826 $25.00