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Star Trek

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Line Upc Sub Line Name Buy List Sku
Exclusive Figures 43377656036 9" Figures Nurse Christine Chapel (Target Exclusive) $11.00 OAP9BNURSECHRISTINECHAPEL
Exclusive Figures 43377652526 9" Figures Ensign Chekov in Environmental Suit $1.00 OAP9BENSIGNCHEKOVENVIRONMENT
Exclusive Figures 43377656012 9" Figures Captain James Kirk in Environmental Suit $1.00 OAP9BCAPTJAMESKIRKENVIRONMENT
Exclusive Figures 43377652519 9" Figures Mr. Spock in Environmental Suit $1.00 OAP9BMRSPOCKENVIRONMENT
Exclusive Figures 43377657026 9" Figures Lt. Marle Moreau (Kay Bee Toys Exclusive) $4.00 OAP9BLTMARLENAMOREAU
Exclusive Figures 43377652113 9" Figures Captain James Kirk (Kay Bee Toys Exclusive) $4.00 OAP9BCAPTJAMESKIRK
Exclusive Figures 43377652014 9" Figures Dr. McCoy (Kay Bee Toys Exclusive) $5.00 OAP9BDRMCCOY
Exclusive Figures 43377652960 9" Figures Captain James Kirk in Environmental Suit (Kay Bee Toys Exclusive) $3.00 OAP9BCAPTJAMESKIRKENVIRONMENTA
Exclusive Figures 43377656043 9" Figures Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Target Exclusive) $2.00 OAP9BCAPTJEANLUCPICARD
Federation 43377062912 9" Figures Commander Spock $4.00 OAP9BCOMMANDERSPOCK
Federation Edition 43377161837 9" Figures Captain Christopher Pike $4.00 OAP9BCAPTJEANLUCPICARD8
Federation Edition 43377161868 9" Figures Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax $1.00 OAP9BLTCOMMJADZIADAX
Federation Edition 43377161851 9" Figures Pavel Chekov $6.00 OAP9BENSIGNPAVELCHEKOV
Federation Edition 43377062936 9" Figures Lieutenant Comm Mont Scott $1.00 OAP9BLTCOMMMONTGOMERYSCOTT
Federation Edition 43377161844 9" Figures Lieutenant Hirkaru Sulu $1.00 OAP9BLTHIRKARUSULU
Federation Edition 43377161820 9" Figures Chief Engineer Miles O'Brien $1.00 OAP9BCHIEFENGMILESOBRIEN
Federation Edition 43377062837 9" Figures Guinanan $2.00 OAP9BGUINAN
Federation Edition 43377062929 9" Figures Chief Medical Officer Dr. Leord McCoy $5.00 OAP9BDRLEONARDMCCOY
First Contact 43377161486 Vehicles U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E $21.00 OAPFBUSSENTERPRISENCC1701E
First Contact 43377161479 Vehicles Phoenix Warp Drive Ship $18.00 OAPFBPHOENIXWARPDRIVESHIP
First Contact 43377161325 9" Figures CMDR. William T. Riker $1.00 OAP9BCOMMWILLIAMRIKER3
First Contact 43377161028 4.5" Figures First Contact Comm William Riker $1.00 OAPFCCOMMWILLIAMRIKER
First Contact 43377161493 Vehicles Borg Ship $17.00 OAPFBBORGSHIP
First Contact 43377161356 9" Figures Captain Jean-Luc Picard (21st Civilian Outfit) $1.00 OAP9BCAPTJEANLUCPICARD3
First Contact 43377161318 9" Figures Captain Jean-Luc Picard $1.00 OAP9BCAPTJEANLUCPICARD6
First Contact 43377161332 9" Figures Lieutenant Comm Data $1.00 OAP9BLTCOMMDATA3
First Contact 43377061533 Accessories Tricorder $38.00 OAPUBTRICORDER
First Contact 43377161080 6" Figures The Borg-Member of the Borg Collective $1.00 OAPFCTHEBORG
First Contact 43377161059 6" Figures Lt. Commander Worf $1.00 OAPFCLTCOMMWORF
First Contact 43377161097 6" Figures Zefram Cochrane $1.00 OAPFCZEFRAMCOCHRANE
First Contact 43377161073 6" Figures Dr. Beverly Crusher - Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise $1.00 OAPFCDRBEVERLYCRUSHER
First Contact 43377061595 Accessories Phaser $17.00 OAPUBTYPE1PHASER
First Contact 43377161011 6" Figures Captain Jean-Luc Picard-of the U.S.S. Enterprise $5.00 OAPFCCAPTJEANLUCPICARD
First Contact 43377161066 6" Figures Commander Deanna Troi-Counslor, U.S.S. Enterprise $1.00 OAPFCCOMMDEANNATROI
First Contact 43377161103 6" Figures Lily-Zefram Cochrane's Assistant $1.00 OAPFCLILY
First Contact 43377161349 9" Figures Zefram Cochrane $1.00 OAP9BZEFRAMCOCHRANE
First Contact 43377161035 6" Figures Lt. Commander Geordi LaForge-Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Enterprise $1.00 OAPFCLTCOMMGEORDILAFORGE
First Contact 43377161158 6" Figures Captain Picard-in Starfleet Spacesuit $1.00 OAPFCCAPTPICARDSTARFLEETSUIT
First Contact 43377161042 6" Figures Lt. Commander Data-Operations Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise $3.00 OAPFCLTCOMMDATA
General 43377655121 12" Figures Seven of Nine $8.00 OAP12BSEVENOFNINE
Generations 43377061472 Accessories Starfleet Communicator $1.00 OAPGBSTARFLEETCOMMUNICATOR
Generations 43377069164 4.5" Figures Pavel A. Chekov $1.00 OAPGCPAVELCHEKOV
Generations 43377069300 4.5" Figures Captain James T. Kirk in Space Suit $1.00 OAPGCCAPTJAMESKIRKSPACESUIT
Generations 43377069249 4.5" Figures Dr. Beverly Crusher $1.00 OAPGCDRBEVERLYCRUSHER
Generations 43377069225 4.5" Figures Lieutenant Commander Worf $1.00 OAPGCLTCOMMWORF
Generations 43377069119 4.5" Figures Admiral James T. Kirk - Former Captain of the Original Starship Enterprise $2.00 OAPGCADMIRALJAMESTKIRK
Generations 43377061557 Vehicles Klingon Attack Cruiser $19.00 OAPUBKLINGONATTACKCRUISER
Generations 43377061465 Vehicles Klingon Disruptor $1.00 OAPGBKLINGONDISRUPTOR
Generations 43377069188 4.5" Figures Captain Jean-Luc Picard $2.00 OAPGCCAPTJEANLUCPICARD
Generations 43377069317 4.5" Figures Lt. Commander Worf in 19th Century outfit $1.00 OAPGCLTCOMMWORF19THOUTFIT